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gooboodoo, va
- English Translation: to state; maintain; represent with vehement gesture
- barngarla example: nandingi gooroo midlandari ngala gooboodaroo
- English Transalation of the Barngarla Word: Nanti represents the Adelaide natives as very numerous
- Schurmann : kuputu. nantinge kurru midlantarri ngalla kuputarru
- Date: 0000-00-00
- Notesdate : GZ1
- barngarla example: Yoobingi irrbi gooboondyaroo
- English Transalation of the Barngarla Word: Yupi has confirmed the message
- Schurmann : kuputu. yupinge irbi kupuntyarru
- Date: 0000-00-00
- Notesdate : GZ1